Japan Will Soon Be Opening A Restaurant That Requires People To Get N@ked!!
We all know for a fact that this world is filled with people who have great and indeed unique ideas just to catch the consumers' attention.
Most people are creating weird and unique designs to quickly capture the customer's attention while others are offering this weird gimmick that everyone will be eager to try.
Now, there's this weird yet unique restaurant that has been build recently in London and Australia. This restaurant was known as "The Amrita."
The Amrita is a restaurant that allows their customers to be fully naked as they enjoy their dinner.
And now, the latest news is that The Amrita will be opening their first ever branch in Asia which will be located in Tokyo, Japan that will open by the end of July.
But the Japanese branch of this weird restaurant will be implementing their own rules.
Instead of wearing nothing while eating, the Japanese owners will be giving out paper undergarments that will cover the sensitive parts, in short, this will be inspired by an "Adam and Eve" restaurant.
They also revealed that they will only allow people who are aged from 18-60 years old and those with tattoos will be forbidden to enter the establishment.
There is also a strict rule that disallows the overweight to enter their restaurant.
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