Breaking News: The people trusts Leni Robredo more than Rodrigo Duterte, according to SWS Survey! MUST READ!
The Social Weather Station's pollster, President-elect Rodrigo Roa Duterte received a "moderate" trust rating at 26 percent while Vice President-elect Leni Robredo was cheerful with the "very good" rate at 45 percent she got.
The SWS last pre-election survey was conducted from May 1 to 3, then was officially published on Friday. They personally interviewed with 4,500 respondents nationwide and resulted with a ±1-point sampling error margin.
The survey report showed Duterte's net trust rating that had been mainly "moderate" in December (+16), January (+13), February (+17), March 4-7 (+26) and March 30-April 2 (+29) before he finally obtained a "good" last April 18-20 (+30).

Here are the following scales of the SWS' trust rate, net trust ratings at least:
+70 is considered "excellent"; (+50) to (+69) is "very good"; (+30) to (+49) as "good"; (+10) to (+29) is labeled as "moderate"; (+9) to (-9) is "neutral"; (-10) to (-29), "poor"; while (-30) to (-49) is "bad"; whereas (-50) to (-69) is tagged as "very bad"; and lastly -70 and below as "execrable".
In the same survey, Vice President-elect Maria Leonor "Leni" G. Robredo acquired a "good" +45 trust rate with 61% commenting they had "much trust" (from 50% last December 12-14), then decresed to a 17% stating they had "little trust" in Leni (from 21%).

According to the BusinessWorld report, Leni Robredo actually started from a "moderate" +29 net trust rating last December then improved to and continued "good" between January and May. They also added that the questions were non-commissioned and were initially included and released as a public service by SWS, along with first printing rights given to BusinessWorld.
Though this showed how much trust the people give to the two highest officials, let's see if they can maintain it in the future.
Source: GMA
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